Michael Bártek

Michael Bártek

organist choir conductor

My music My music

ActuallyI perform...

28. June 2024 20:15

Kammerchor goes Opera

Music from operas
Rafael Gordillo Maza - piano
Ueli Klässi - percussions
Kammerchor Zürcher Oberland
Michael Bártek - conducting
Schlosskirche Grüningen (CH)

11. February 2024 17:00

Inauguration of my New Harpsichord

I have bought a new harpsichord by Vyhnálek in Czech Republic
Let's enjoy the fantastic sound
with Lorenzo Rosato on barock violin
works by Bach, Scarlatti, Fr. Couperin and Corelli
Rosengarten-Hall, Richterswil, CH

10. December 2023 17:00


Choir XANG Zug
Tadeáš Forberger, piano
Michael Bártek, conducting
Christmas music foir choir (and piano)
Gewürzmühle Zug (CH)

All events

My Music Organ • Harpsichord • Conducting • Arranging

Welcome on my website! Music is my life. By birth Czech, after long studies of pipe organ over European universities, as a perpetual and curious student I continue my studies now in Zurich. As a concert organist, I appear through Europe. I am a soloist as well as chamber musician: collaboration with other instrumentalists, singers, choirs, and also painters is for me very important. I am open-minded and versatile, like Bach, Wagner, Franck, Gershwin... In the last years I am very interested in conducting which I study now in Switzerland and exercise by different choirs. I like to arrange music of varied genres for various formations and improvise on the piano by every opportunity.

Concerts which I won't forget

Work Church music, teaching and choral conducting

After eight years of playing in churches of Strasbourg, I am working now in Switzerland like a church organist for the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich, namely in the Reformed Church Richterswil on the Lake Zurich, but I play also in catholic or other churches. I accompany choirs like organist. In years 2010-2016, I was teaching organ in the Protestant Organ School of Strasbourg (AFORGEP) so if you are interested in organ or piano lessons, please contact me.

I studied 2017-2021 at the Zurich University of the Arts choral conducting, church music and organ pedagogy. Since 2022, I conduct Chor XANG in Zug. As choirmaster, I have made experiences with various choirs.

Like singer during many years I was a member of the famous children’s choir of the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra Kantiléna.


To learn is to grow I am an eternal student

I was born in 1984 in Brno, Czech Republic. I am starting the piano lessons at the age of seven, the organ of fourteen. My first organ teacher was Marie Karasová. In 2000-2005 I continue the organ in the professional level at the Brno conservatory by Zdeněk Nováček and Petr Kolař, in 2005-2009 at Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) in Brno (by Věra Heřmanová and Pavel Černý). Before obtaining the bachelor degree, I leave Czech Republic for Strasbourg, where I collect my first foreign experiences under the programme ‘Erasmus’ in the organ class of Christophe Mantoux. This experience strengthens me in the further studies abroad.

In the years 2009-2012, I study Master Professionnel in Strasbourg by Christophe Mantoux and his wife Aude Heurtematte. Both are distinguished Parisian organists. My graduation’s concert theme is ‘Organ transcriptions from the Wagner’s Ring’. Apart from organ, I am very interested in the ancient harpsichord music, which I study by Aline Zylberajch (Diplôme d’études musicales in 2012), as well as in the baroque and Renaissance organ music (by Martin Gester) and in the basso continuo (by Francis Jacob).

In 2013, I also receive a master degree at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (organ class by Pavel Černý). In 2014, I enrol at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich in the class of Bernhard Haas (historically informed performance of organ music). I also continue there developing my skills of basso continuo by Michael Eberth and graduate in 2017 with a further master’s degree. Since 2017, I study at the Zurich University of the Arts master church music and choral conducting by Markus Utz and Beat Schäfer (graduated 2021) and organ pedagogy by Andreas Jost, Stefan Schättin and Tobias Willi (graduated 2023).

Like a concert organist, I play across Europe, I have had a chance to play some of the most beautiful European organs. My repertoire is wide, from old masters till contemporary music, including jazz and popular music. I like to collaborate with choirs, instrumentalists, singers and painters.

Teaching belongs to my very favourite occupations. After teaching piano in Czechia, I was teaching organ during six years (2010-2016) at the Protestant Organ school in Strasbourg AFORGEP. Now in Zurich I teach organ and piano privately.

I am a laureate of the International César Franck Competition 2010 in Haarlem (1st Prize and a Public Prize), International Organ Competition Alexander Goedicke 2011 in Moscow (3rd Prize) and Competition of Young Organists 2002 in Opava (3rd Prize).

Beside my activity of concert organist I am a church musician. 2010-2016 I was organist in parishes in Strasbourg ; since 2017 I work for the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich in Switzerland, namely since 2021 for the Reformed Church Richterswil on the Lake Zurich. Since spring 2022, I conduct the mixed Chor Xang in Zug. I live in Zurich.

Biography dates

• since 2024 – teaching at the Music School Wädenswil-Richterswil
• since 2024 – conducting of the Kammerchor Zürcher Orberland
• since 2022 – conducting of the Chor Xang in Zug
• 2017-2023 – studies at the Zurich University of the Arts, master in church music, choral conducting by Markus Utz and Beat Schäfer (graduated 2021), organ pedagogy by Andreas Jost, Stefan Schättin and Tobias Willi (graduated 2023)
• since 2017 – organist by the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, since 2021 at the Reformed Church Richterswil on the Lake Zurich
• 2014-2017 – studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich in Germany, master in historically informed performance of organ music (Bernhard Haas)
• 2010-2016 – organ teacher at AFORGEP, Protestant Organ school in Strasbourg, France
• 2010-2016 – organist in Strasbourg
• 2011-2015 – organ teacher at the music school of Sarre-Union, France
• 2013 – organ recital in the Chartres cathedral
• 2010-2013 – studies at the Université de Strasbourg and at the Conservatoire de Strasbourg, ‘Master Professionnel’ and ‘Spécialisation’ in organ (Christophe Mantoux, Aude Heurtematte) ; diploma in harpsichord (Aline Zylberajch) ; basso continuo (Francis Jacob), ancient organ music (Martin Gester)
• 2012-2013 – studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, master in organ performance (Pavel Černý)
• 2012 – first appearance at an international organ festival (Audite Organum, Prague)
• 2012 – master recital in St. Paul’s in Strasbourg with transcriptions from Wagner’s Ring
• 2011 – 3rd Prize at the International Organ Competition Alexander Goedicke, Moscow, Russia
• 2010 – 1st Prize and a Public Prize at the International César Franck Competition in Haarlem, Netherlands
• 2005-2009 – studies at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Brno, bachelor in organ performace (Věra Heřmanová, Pavel Černý)
• 2003-2009 – piano teacher, Újezd u Brna, Czech Republic
• 2008 – Erasmus stay at the Conservatoire de Strasbourg (Christophe Mantoux)
• 2000-2005 – studies at the Konzervatoř Brno, organ (Zdeněk Nováček, Petr Kolař); piano and harpsichord
• 2002 – 3rd Prize at the 2nd category, Competition of Young Organists, Opava, Czech Republic
• 1995-2000 – studies at the Gymnázium Brno, tř. Kpt. Jaroše 14, Brno, Czech Republic
• 1993-1998 – singer (soprano) in children’s choir Kantiléna, Brno, Czech Republic
• 1998-2000 – music school ZUŠ Smetanova, Brno, organ by Marie Karasová
• circa 1991-2000 – music school ZUŠ Smetanova, Brno, piano by Marie Karasová

Competition awards

  • 1.César Franck
    2010 • Haarlem
  • 3.Alexander Goedicke
    2011 • Moskva
  • 3.Young Organists
    2002 • Opava
